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Thursday, February 6

8:00am MST

9:30am MST

10:15am MST

Being a New Leader in Education 120APaul Zimmerman Scaling Your Leadership Influence: Strategies for Growth 440Nancy Mangum • Darren Hudgins From Vision to Reality: Maintaining the Modern Classroom Within Budget Limits 200Zack Rehwalt • David Roberts Google Admin Updates with Solutions Engineers 410CDanielle Pinta • Jack Cupples Google Vault in Education: Strategies for Effective Data Management 110BKendal Shomura Moving your phone system to the cloud 430BPeter Jurhs Navigating District Challenges: Digital Access, Security, and Operational Efficiency 420ARamon Ramon eSports Arena 130Cody Kreps Rock and Roll Sphero Golf: STEAM in Motion! Level 2 LobbyReBekha Lulu 25 Innovative Assessment Resources in 45 Minutes 120CTyler Rablin AI Tools and How to Use Them in the K-12 Classroom 410ANicole Sarty • Gina Kwid • Dazhi Yang Distinctive Stories from Amazing Projects 430ARushton Hurley Empowering Educators with AI-Infused Solutions for the Modern Classroom 110AAnna Hanrahan Evidence-Based Literacy in Action: A Discussion with Apple and Rally Reader 420BApple Education Next-Gen Tools for Next-Level Learning: Mastering Diffit and NotebookLM in Education 400ADr. Melyssa Ferro Project STEM Coding for MS / HS 110DMichelle DiPaula-Craig Transforming Computer Science Education in Idaho with ‘Coding in Minecraft’ 410BMelanie Drown What is a Power Buddy? 120BCindi Jensen The Rise of Esports: Building the Future with the Nampa School District Esports Spectator Arena 130Cody Kreps • Cody Kreps

11:15am MST

12:30pm MST

1:00pm MST

1:45pm MST

2:30pm MST

3:15pm MST

4:00pm MST

4:15pm MST

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