About me
Dr. Jae Ryu is a Professor at the University of Idaho. His research interest is to advance environmental monitoring using Unmanned Aerial System (UAS, a.k.a drone). Dr. Ryu is currently hosting Idaho/Interstate Drone League (iDrone) to engage students through an immerse experimental STEM-based learning program by introducing 6th to 12th grade. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle in 2006 and he experienced various UAS technologies and sensors platforms at United States Air Force Academy (USAFA) through Air Force Faculty Fellowship program in years 2015 – 2016. He is currently affiliated with professional societies, including the American Geophysical Union, the American Water Resources Association, and the American Society of Engineering Education. For more details about his iDrone program, visit at: https://www.idroneprogram.org.
Relevant Publication: Ryu, J., Walters, R., and Ziegler, H. “Interstate Drone League (iDrone) to promote hands-on remote STEM learning using cloud-based virtual meeting platforms in the global pandemic (COVID-19), Journal of STEM Education: Innovation and Research, Vol 21, No. 2., 65-71, 2021