Wednesday February 5, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am MST
Would you like the ability to send thousands of customized emails to recipients in minutes using a spreadsheet? Or to use a spreadsheet to create thousands of custom documents easily? If you have access to email addresses, data, and Google Sheets this process is actually really easy. If you’ve never used a mail merge program for mass emailing or mass document creation, this presentation will give you a nice overview of how this works. iSucceed uses YAMM (Yet Another Mail Merge) and Autocrat for our mass emailing needs and you’ll see how we use these programs to promote student engagement and improve academic performance. Anyone attending this session will walk away with knowledge of how mail merges work plus ideas of how to use them in your school.
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Clayton Trehal

Principal, iSucceed Virtual Schools
Clayton Trehal has been the Principal of iSucceed Virtual High School since 2016. This year is his 11th year as an administrator and his 22nd year as an educator. He is a Level II GoogleCertified teacher and is currently working on his Powerschool Admin Certification. Over the last... Read More →
Wednesday February 5, 2025 10:15am - 11:00am MST
430A Boise Centre East - 850 W Front St, Boise, ID 83702

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